Message from Pastor Darren
June 2024
As we head into the summertime, I want to thank each of you for your support for Covenant Church over the first five months. Our attendance is growing in person and our online presence is growing as well. New small groups have popped up this year (and more are to come). We have even added a commun- ion service on Wednesday nights! While all of that is happening on Skeet Club, our Northwood numbers are growing as well. It truly is an exciting time to be a part of Covenant!
We can do all of these things because of your continued financial gifts to Covenant. And since the beginning of the year, our financial numbers are im- pressive as well. At the end of April, we were at a deficit for the year for the overall church (church and weekday ministries) to the tune of 131 dollars. When I first saw that, I thought it was a misprint. But after being affirmed by Randy Bishop (our business manager) and Shelli York (our finance chairper- son) that the numbers were indeed correct, I wanted to write this cover letter to thank all of you for helping us to be in a very good position as we head into the summer months.
For all who have given to our finances this year, thank you. You are truly making a difference. There are obvious ways that you are making a difference, like helping us to fund staff and programming. But there are also other ways that your giving is making a difference. It allows me, the staff, the finance committee, and the Church Leadership Council to focus on the ministries that we have been called to do without worry or struggle on how we will fund vari- ous ministerial programs. In essence, your giving allows us to give more! It allows us to give more to the church congregation in regards of programming. It allows us to give more to Northwood and the High Point community. It al- lows us to give more of ourselves so we can make disciples for Jesus Christ in all we do!
On behalf of the staff and finance team, thank you so much for all your gifts. My prayer is that we will keep this going not just through May, but through the rest of 2024. And trust me, every cent helps us to be the best disci-ples we can be! I look forward to the rest of 2024, and I look forward to where God is shining God’s star for Covenant!
Thank you for helping us to truly follow the paths that God is calling each of us to!
Northwood Community Center
In the summer of 2021, Covenant was honored to take on an incredible opportunity from the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church. Northwood United Methodist Church (2409 Ambassador Ct. in High Point) had closed its' doors the previous summer, and the building had been sitting vacant with sacred anticipation of the next step for ministry within those walls. The leadership at Covenant Church discerned and voted to take on the Northwood UMC property and to open a community outreach center as a second campus and missional extension of our mission work at Covenant. Thus, Northwood Community Center was born. The leadership board of Northwood is made up of various Covenant Church committee leaders, community leaders, and various partner organizations in the 27265 area and beyond. In addition, our mission at Northwood is sponsored entirely by private donations, facility rental income, and The United Methodist Church Missional Engagement Grants. At Northwood, we currently offer a monthly community meal, food pantry, and clothing closet as well as special outreach events for the community. We are always accepting donations of clothing or non-expired food to serve our neighbors! Food can be delivered to the Covenant Gathering area and clothes can be donated in the blue box out- side of Northwood. For more info or to get involved, please reach out to Mission's Coordinator Gale Vitamvas at or our Northwood staff liaison, Laura Danford.
We are watching God's vision for Northwood unfold before our very eyes. Thank you.
Covenant Community Garden
Like to garden? Did you know Covenant Church has a community garden in the back of our property and we have some spaces available? You can help get the beds ready for or take a bed for the summer. Plant whatever you like. You keep a percentage and the rest goes to Ward Street and Northwood’s food pantries. If you are interested or want more information contact the church office.
Ward Street
Ward Street has regular needs: boxed milk, canned goods, plastic and paper bags, and other items. Remember that hunger is not seasonal. Please deposit donations in the large gray bin under the coat rack in the hallway near the gathering entrance, or in one of the marked bins at the drive-through portico on the left side of the church. For more info please contact Judi Marshall at
Financial Reporting
Covenant Church YTD April
1. Shelby Renshaw, Neil Whitaker, Debby Watterson, Ashley Askins, Logan Smith
2. Jake Keeling, Dylan Roberts, Chase Talent
3. James Brown, Markus Havely, Payson Ivey
4. Alex Wichman
5. Malon Baucom
6. Jessica McKnight, Claire Payne
7. Brian Morris, Chloe Pate, Sawyer Parsley, Emma Grace Metzger
8. Mike Hatchell, Matthew Henry, Evan Tatum, Christopher Gross, Jason Hawn
9. —
10. Dawn Crouell, Chloe Vaughn
11. David Carter, Ally Davis, Terran Henry
12. Betty Wood, Jeff Sutton, Jerry Burns, Tanya Simmons
13. Debi Mays
14. Anna Blacksten
15. Robin Gentile, Pam Willoughby-Ray, Patrick Blower, Evan Reep
16. Barbara Morris, Edith Yarbrough
17. Janet White, Chris Coble, Molly Beth McCain, Alex McGee
18. Alex Snage, Gay James, Penny Mehling
19. Judy Humberson, Max McCaskill
20. —
21. Jason Trost, Stevie Gordon, Daniel Trost, Laura Ritchie
22. Brenda Myers, Judy Bradshaw, Hannah Morris, John Councilman
23. Kelly Jones, Tanya Stewart, Taylor White
24. Christian James
25. Sherry Stookey, Jack Keeling, Shannon Monroe
26. —
27. Brad Aust, Sarah Iddings, Jadea Millen, Charlotte Wichman, Rowan Ivey
28. Rodney Shipwash, Mike Smith
29. Lari Perkinson
30. Bob Perkinson, Laura Keeling, Becky York
If you do not see your name on the monthly Birthday List, please contact the church office ( or 336-841-3242, x10) with your full name and birth day/month/year and we will add you to the monthly birthday list for the newsletter. Thanks!
Please save this list for reference throughout the month of June
Prayers for Charlie Goforth, a young man who severely injured his foot in a farming accident.
Prayers for Jeff Reep as he recovers from knee replacement surgery.
Prayers for Susan Garren who is dealing with pancreatic cancer.
Prayers for Judy Bradshaw who is recovering from hip replacement surgery.
Prayers for Elizabeth Snyder and her family as Elizabeth recovers from a motorcycle accident.
Pray for Gerald Morgan as he is facing medical concerns.
Prayers for Vickie Merlin (Susong), a friend of Kathy Poston, who is having health concerns.
Prayers for Jessica Spencer who is facing health concerns.
Prayers for Ann Duke who is facing serious health concerns.
Lord in Your Mercy Hear Our Prayers
Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
On Sunday, June 2 we celebrated the class of 2024 Seniors! We cannot wait to see where God leads them!
Congratulations to the Class of 2024:
Caroline Church
Laurel Collins
Carli Crews
Ally Guglielmo
Leah Hogan
Lauren Ingram
Stephen Kabler
Max McCaskill
Kate Patton
Jillian Pettie
Makenzie Knight