Welcome to Covenant!
We're so glad you are here.
Sunday Mornings:
8:55 AM Traditional Worship
11:00 AM Modern Worship
Wednesday Evenings:
6:30 Communion Worship

Covenant Church United Methodist is located at 1526 Skeet Club Rd. in High Point, North Carolina. Covenant is a congregation / community of faith with around 400 active participants in worship. Yet, Covenant has a cozy, family feel. We love to connect with one another in faith and friendship. Covenant is a safe place to come for people of all demographics, backgrounds, and experiences. The only thing missing is you... join us for worship and see what we are all about. Traditional Worship at 8:55 AM on Sundays, Modern Worship at 11:00 AM on Sundays, and Communion at 6:30 PM on Wednesdays.
Below you will find some quick links to our outside sites and most visited pages.
For more information about any of our ministries, please contact the Director of Connectional Ministries, Ellen Florian, and she will be happy to assist you and connect you.
Worship With Us!
Sundays at 8:55 AM or 11:00 AM
For details on what to expect in worship please visit our worship page.